Sunday, August 30, 2015

Understanding Bernie

Bernie and Noam Chomsky are long time friends. Bernie, in the 1980s and then mayor of Burlington Vermont, invited Noam to give a talk on American intervention in Nicaragua.

Recently Chomsky was asked by the Guardian what he thought Bernie’s chances of winning the election were and what Bernie would face in Washington if elected. The following is a quote from Noam’s response.

"I'm glad that Sanders is running. A good way to bring important ideas and facts to people. His candidacy might also press the Dems a little in a progressive direction. In our system of bought elections he has scarcely a chance of getting beyond the primaries, and even if by some miracle he were elected he wouldn't be able to do anything, lacking any congressional representatives, governors, etc. As far as I can see he's a thorn in the side of the Clinton machine, which is not a bad thing."

When I read this from Bernie’s friend and a thoughtful and knowledgeable political analyst, I tasked myself with trying to further understand Bernie and what he had in mind should he win.

Bernie Sanders is no fly-by- night. He knows America has to radically change its economic system and its social services. He has studied the Scandinavian system. He knows this has to be done with people not money.

Thom Hartmann has expressed his view that Bernie can productively govern through an effective use of the bully pulpit. He has shown a remarkable ability to communicate with Americans from all regions of the country. Hartmann also notes that Bernie would have the Congressional Progressive Caucus to work with. Considering the media onslaught that the “billionaire class” would bring to bear against him, he will need the millions of people he has called for. We should not forget that J. P. Morgan, et. al., sought to stage a coup against FDR.

Thom Hartmann has published an article titled Bernie Sanders could be the Next FDR. This, to me, indicates that Hartmann may be underestimating Bernie, which, parenthetically, Bernie has warned the media not to do. FDR came by much of his progressivism after he became president. Bernie would bring decades of progressive and socialist thought and action to the presidency. That office would reflect a depth of concern and understanding it has never seen before.

Finally, under Bernie, the United States could lead a global change in world government. Bernie’s support for the Greek revolution evidences his concern to rid the planet of financial corporations that make money off of money and contribute nothing to a genuine economy of products and services, then use this massive phantom wealth to control the global economy. This must be done to heal the planet from the ravages of a money-based economy, end massive human misery and death and bring our human numbers and level of consumption to a sustainable level. Bernie, unlike other candidates wants  humanity to succeed and will challenge those self-centered  maniacs who think otherwise.

Sanity must reign. Let us all help Bernie bring it to pass.

Bob Newhard

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